
The department Botany maintains the Botanical Garden in Yogi Vemana University. This facility is developed in 18.27 acres within the University Campus. In the year 2009 it was stared with hundred species and continued to have more than 1000 species including rare, endemic and threatened plants. It has been developed in the alkaline waste lands with lot of care and observation. It serves for collection and maintenance of useful germplasm for various crops and plant species that have invaluable utility in the area of Plant Bio-Technology and Genetic Engineering. It is one of the innovative initiatives launched by the University.

Botanical gardens are living repositories of indigenous and exotic, cultivated and wild plants, It is a place where a wide variety of plants are cultivated for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes, often including a library, a herbarium, green and glass houses. The main theme of Yogi Vemana University Botanical Garden is to educate students, researchers and common man about plant biodiversity and its importance in human wellbeing. The major attraction of YVU botanical garden is having world largest giant water lily Victoria amazonica. Botanic gardens are living repositories of indigenous and exotic, cultivated and wild plants, It is a place where a wide variety of plants are cultivated for scientific, educational, and ornamental purposes, often including a library, a herbarium, and greenhouses. The Yogi Vemana University Botanical Garden is basically intended to educate the students, researchers and common man about plant biodiversity and its importance in human well – being.